This Mom Was Struggling To Be Creative Until Her 2-Year-Old Daughter Saved The Day
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It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.
This brainy quote by Pablo Picasso is one of the favorites for Ruth Oosterman, a creative mom who recently drew a ton of attention for the collaboration project between her and her 2-year-old daughter Eve.
Ruth is a self-taught Canadian artist producing various paintings: from realistic to abstract and surreal. Two years ago she had a beautiful baby girl named Eve, who has become her ultimate muse and inspiration source. Together they create beautiful dreamlike paintings inspired by Eve’s youthful imagination and fulfilled by Ruth’s skills.

Ruth told BuzzFeed that during her pregnancy she was having artist’s block. But once Eve was born, the inspiration skyrocketed and the duo became inseparable.

This was their first artwork produced together. Ruth says she took Eve’s ink sketch and used watercolor to turn it into a scenery.

Ruth works fast to let the imagination and play take root in the painting. She wants to encourage Eve without making the artworks look too grownup.

Here’s Eve preparing some sketches for her mommy.

Ruth says this was her toughest collaboration as there was no hidden picture she could pick up.

She decided to go with the movie Lady and the Tramp and pair it up with Eve’s beloved Swiper the Fox from Dora the Explorer.

The result is this amazing piece titled Lady and the Fox which you can buy on Etsy along with the rest of Ruth’s artworks.

According to Ruth, she is blessed for having Eve, her constant inspiration that motivates [her] to create and explore art outside [her] comfort zone. Ruth also believes that every person is given a talent, and the moment it sparks, it should be constantly encouraged and nurtured until it fills your life with love and life.
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