This Is Absolutely Disgusting And Is Not Acceptable. If You’ve Ever Eaten At This Restaurant You Will Want To Throw Up.
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These pictures below are from Mimi’s Cafe in Columbia, Maryland.
Cockroach saying, “Good Morning”.
Chewed gum on cash machine.
Would you like a box? Let me just shake the bugs off first…

One of many “Roach Holes” or as normies call them, drains.
Floor coming apart, you can stand on either side to make some brownish tan liquid squirt all over. Fun for the whole family.
Air freshener in the bathroom hasn’t been changed in over two years, so the batteries are leaking AND it smells like shit.
Employee bathroom. That’s right, there’s no seat. Or TP for that matter.
Right out of the fridge, another friendly cockroach says hello as he takes a dip in some butter.
Our “clean” mugs are caked with coffee remains. Which are not stains, but easily wiped off filth.
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