This Game Of Thrones Cake Might Be The Most Scrumptiously Creative Dessert Ever
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First they started with a Winterfell tier.

Next, dragon scales for the Targaryen tier.

Then they added metallic coloring.

And darkening for a true dragon effect.

Then, of course, the Weirwood tree needed some red leaves.

And the tree needed a creepy face.

Appropriate banners were added next.

And, of course, no Game of Thrones cake would be complete without an Iron Throne!

It looks like it could have come straight out of the show!

And voila, the finished product!

Every detail was fine-tuned to perfection.

The blood is a fantastic touch.

It’s not hard to imagine Joffrey sitting up there with a smug look on his face.

And here are the proud creators with their masterpiece.

I think I know what to request for my birthday cake this year!
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