These 48 Photos Show Why Dubai Is The Most Insane Place On Earth. It’s Crazier Than I Ever Could Have Imagined.
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Ah Dubai, the land of luxury, and home of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.

It’s also home to the world’s largest shopping mall.

And who could forget Dubai’s Miracle Garden, the largest flower garden in the world?

You can drive out to the Atlantis Hotel and island, one of the most expensive hotels in the world.

Which looks like this on the inside.

And has a Starbucks that looks like this.

And a tennis court like the The Burj Al Arab Court in the Sky.

There are three sets of artificial islands dotted with luxury homes in Dubai.

And only in Dubai can you ski, surf, and ride dunes all in the same day, any day of the year.

Or where you can watch camel races, with robots instead of jockeys.

Who doesn’t want to enjoy a hot chocolate while bundled up in an ice cafe, in the middle of the hot desert?

If you’re wondering why you rarely see a Ferrari on the streets these days, it’s because most of them are abandoned and rotting in Dubai.

Or getting passed around.

And getting stuck in traffic in Dubai is a lot like a car show.

Even the cops had to upgrade to Lamborghinis.

And let’s not forget the rest of the fleet.

Or their fire department.

Some opt for a more modest approach to transportation.

Plus I hear public transit is still a viable option.

Thank goodness Dubai’s got me covered when I find myself short on gold.

Sure, your next cell phone upgrade might require a mortgage.

But how else are you going to let your friends know about your awesome new designer gold and crystal-encrusted foosball table?

Dubai taught us that large exotic cats are totally like dogs, right?

Plus, in Dubai you can feed your exotic pets to your other exotic pets.

And while the luxury and excesses of Dubai may not always make sense to the rest of the world…

Pure white gold Mercedes much?

The hero that Dubai deserves!

“Nah, it’s cool, if I dent the roof or hood I’ll just buy you a new one.”

LOVE the matching outfit.

A regular night on the town.

This jet-pack advertising campaign cost some wealthy Emirates about $500 a second.

The Golden Phoenix, the world’s most expensive cupcake exclusively at the Dubai Mall. For $1223 dollars, that cupcake better be made of gold. Oh wait, it is.
Wait, nope…I can think of nothing redeeming. The luxury and excess of Dubai definitely make no sense to the rest of the world.
For the World Record, Dubai literally burned $1 million dollars a minute for the 6 whole minutes of this incredible fireworks display (which took over 100 computers to choreograph the 500,000+ individual projectiles).
The money Dubai has would be enough to cover health insurance for every man woman and child on the planet for 11 years! But they prefer *literally* burning it and having their cops drive Lamborghinis.
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