The Most Disgusting Part Of These Photos Is What’s Hidden by These Piles of Trash. OMG.

If you were to walk by a river and saw trash floating down it, you’d probably be disgusted. Pollution is a terrible, passive attack on the world around us. If it bothers you, though, then we suggest staying out of Indonesia. There is a body of water called the Citarum river in Indonesia that would make you gag on sight. It is so polluted and filled with trash, you can’t even see the water.

I’m not joking.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of bacteria and viruses are breeding within the dirty waters of the Citarum river. But, for the local people in Indonesia, it’s one of the water supplies they must rely on to stay alive.

In December of 2008, the Asian Development Bank approved a $500 million loan for cleaning up the river. To this day, it’s still considered one of the world’s most polluted.

I’ve never felt so happy to have clean drinking water.