Michael Vick Horribly Abused These Dogs. Their Lives Now Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity.
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#1. Cherry

He was bred and taught to fight, but that’s the last thing he wants to do. Cherry much prefers constant snuggles with his family– including his canine sister and his feline brothers.
#2. Some of these sweeties are proving the critics wrong.

7 years later, the Vick-tory dogs have some incredible stories of perseverance and hope. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary took in 22 dogs and set out prove that these dogs could be turned around– they could live normal lives. And they could live happily ever after as normal pups in cozy homes. Below are snippets about 9 of those pups, snippets that show the flexible, fiercely-loving natures that live inside every dog. Meet “Handsome Dan.” In spite of a rough upbringing, Dan learned how to trust humans. In 2010, his family welcomed a baby (human) sister to the family. Handsome Dan, like many pitties, was the best nanny dog ever, watching out for the baby like it was his own pup.
#3. Georgia

Georgia’s favorite thing to do was go on walks. She taught Amy powerful lessons on love, forgiveness, and learning to trust again. Georgia passed away in 2013, but in the years leading up to her death she proved that anyone could be saved.
#4. Halle might be a fighting dog…

…BUT she acts like more of a snuggle buddy. These days, this pup wags her tail and does a happy dance when she sees another dog.
#5. Little Red was one of Michael Vick’s “BAIT DOGS”

“Bait” animals are animals used to test a dog’s fighting skills– dogs like Little Red are often mauled or killed in the process. Little Red’s owner, Susan, never thought that Little Red needed to be rehabilitated, instead the pup needed time to recover. After being rescued from the dog fighting ring, Little Red lives a life full of treats and zooming around 6 acres of pasture.
#6. Oliver

Olivers adoptive parents were most surprised about after they brought him home was how willing the pit pup allowed his new family to love him to pieces. Oliver had no fear in his new home or surroundings, despite the fact that his original evaluation stated that he was extremely fearful of people. Oliver would jump on his mom Erika’s lap and shower her with kisses. Oliver passed away from cancer in 2009. He died in Erika’s arms.
#7. Squeaker

This former fighting dog enjoys long walks on the beach. Literally.
#8. Mel

Mel’s adoptive dad, Richard Hunter, was a radio show host in Dallas back in 2007. Richard reported on the gruesome details of the Michael Vick dog fighting story and became emotionally invested in the well-being of the pitbulls rescued from Vick. Richard jumped at the chance to adopt, and drove to pick up a terrified Mel at the Best Friends sanctuary in Utah. Today Mel continues to recover and goes on car rides and sleeps on the pillow with his pop.
#9. Oscar the NOT SO Grouchy

Oscar was adopted into the Vicktory dog family where everyone stays in close contact swapping stories, advice, and support to spread the word that unconditional love, forgiveness, and a bit of understanding goes a long, long way. Her human didn’t set out to adopt a “Vicktory” dog, but you better believe she’s glad she did!
These beautiful stories of redemption for these “vicious” pups inspired me to visit an animal shelter the next time I wanna expand my fur-family. I hope you feel the same way! Too often, people feel that shelter animals are damaged. These 9 inspiring cases prove that even in the most dire circumstances, there’s hope.
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