Animal Lovers Are The Weirdest People On Earth And I Have Proof
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When your life revolves around animals, you might notice that your behavior is a bit different from “normal” people.
1. You don’t understand how someone can be a “cat person” OR a “dog person”

2. Your house is frequently referred to as a “zoo”

3. It is physically painful when you see an animal in need of a home and you can’t adopt him or her.

4. So whenever you donate, you make sure the money goes to animal rescue organizations

5. It doesn’t matter how hot they are; if a romantic interest mentions not liking animals, they cease to be a romantic interest.

6. You get irrationally excited when you see common wildlife in your area

7. If you accidentally run over said wildlife while driving, your day, week, and possibly your month is ruined

8. You are not even remotely joking when you say that you prefer animals’ company over people’s.

9. Predator/prey relationships put you in a glass case of emotional conflict.

10. You identify kindred spirits by whether or not they have pet hairs on their clothes.

11. You will spend an obscene amount of time trying to coax a stray to come over to you.

12. Even though you know it’s a bad idea, you can’t help but get jealous of the crazy people who have exotic animals as pets.

13. You talk to your pets more than you talk to your friends and family.

14. You’re an expert at fitting all the animals in the car for long trips.

15. Much of your home decor is somehow related to animals.

16. You get extremely offended when someone messes up the gender of your pet.

17. And if they call him/her an “it,” may the heavens have mercy on their soul.

18. Your favorite movie characters never have two legs.

19. Many of your clothes bear the scars of some rough playing sessions.

20. (And many body parts do, as well.)

21. If you’re at a house party and the host has a pet, you spend most of your time socializing with the animal than the human guests.

22. If you don’t have a job that involves working with animals, you definitely still dream about it.

23. Your childhood bedroom was covered in animal-related posters, toys, and books.

24. Your friends always know who to call when they need a petsitter.

25. No matter what else changes in your life, you know that animals will be a part of it until the day you die.

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