30 Reasons All Kids Should Grow Up With Pets. Don’t Underestimate #11.
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There’s no denying that a childhood involving animals is much better than a childhood without them.
1. You learn about responsibility.

2. You always have a friend when you come home from school.

3. You appreciate the value of life from an early age

Forgetting to feed the fish = fish dies.
4. You learn to get over gross bodily functions REALLY fast.

5. You know that love comes in all shapes and sizes

6. No matter who picks on you at school, you know your pets don’t judge you for your appearance.

7. Someone is always around to deal with your childish shenanigans…

8. … or your teenage heartaches.

9. You value the truly important things over the material things.

At least, that’s what you tell yourself when your puppy rips the head off your favorite stuffed animal.
10. You discover that actions are more powerful than words.

Saying, “I love you, kitty!” won’t prevent Fluffy from scratching you if you pull her tail.
11. Your immune system is practically unbeatable.

All that poop and hair and dirt built up some serious antibodies.
12. You always have the perfect subject to write about in creative essays for school.

13. You know what true love is long before dating anyone.

14. You get to learn all sorts of cool stuff when you go to the vet’s office.

15. Your activities during free time are very different from other kids’.

“Sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the barn and clean stalls.”
16. Even when your parents let you stay by yourself, you are never REALLY alone.

“Just try to break in, burglars. My gerbil will eat you alive.”
17. You know right away which friendships you’ll keep around and which ones will never last.

“You have a lizard? Ew, gross.” “Hahahaha get out.”
18. But the fact that you have pets means more people always want to come over to your house.

19. You are able to get plenty of petsitting jobs before your friends can even work at Burger King.

Getting paid to play with the neighbor’s new kitten is the greatest.
20. You acquire some odd talents that the animal-less kids can’t even dream of doing.

21. While other kids are watching bad reality shows, you are learning useful stuff on Animal Planet and The Discovery Channel.

22. You also have the greatest book collection ever.

23. And your toys all pretty much have a central theme.

Barbie is only there to help take care of the animals on the farm, and your policeman action figures are nothing without their K9 unit.
24. Whenever your classmates learn about animals in science class, you suddenly become the teacher’s pet.

25. You definitely experience the fun of trying to eat like your pet.

…Even if your parents swiftly scold you for it when they catch you.
26. You grow up with a sense of sympathy and compassion for those who can’t help themselves.

27. Your idea of “fun” usually involves being outside.

Are there ducklings in the video game? No? Not interested.
28. Clothes shopping is easy— you just pick out the shirt that has an animal on it.

Confession: I bought one Abercrombie shirt in my teenage years, and it was solely because it had a moose on it.
29. Now that you’re an adult, you can really appreciate how being around animals shaped your childhood…

30. …And so you’ll make SURE that your own kids will grow up with furry, finned, and feathered creatures in their lives.

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