28 Animals Who Want To Scare You, But Can’t Due To Their Ridiculous Cuteness
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These animals think they are so tough, but they are actually just really adorable.

Uhh, are you attacking me?

Let’s fight…oops

I will flap you with my tiny fluffy wings

I’m the king of the jungle

You want some?

Upside-down attack

Got your finger

Paws of fury

I’m a tough guy


Come at me bro!

Monster kitty

Big bad police dog

Did something touch me?

I said no pictures

I’m a ssscary sssnake

Vicious bear attack

Snarl master

How the dinosaurs really went extinct

What are you doing?

I’m a pretty ballerina

Real-life angry bird

Trust me, I’m a lion

I hate baths

Girl you better back up

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