27 Precious Animals Who Fit Snugly On A Single Finger
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2. Baby sugar glider
3. Pint-sized gecko
4. Baby Chameleon
5. Hummingbird
6. Finger Monkey
7. Newborn Finger Monkeys
8. Baby Sea Turtle
9. Newborn Snake
10. Tiny toad
11. World’s smallest Chameleon
12. Baby Octopus
13. Tiny Hatchling Tortoise
14. Tiny tree frog
15. Mantis nymph
16. Hatchling leatherback sea turtle
17. Two little tarsiers
18. Horned Toad
19. Camera shy hummingbird
20. Pipistrelle bat
21. Itty bitty snail
22. Bashful kitten
23. Not so bashful kitten
24. Beautiful butterfly
25. Baby hamster enjoys a treat
26. Baby owl
27. Puppy’s first Christmas
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