25 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning When You’re In College LOL
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1. “Going out”

What it normally means: You’ve got to blow off a little steam on the weekend, right?
Now it means: “Who can black out the fastest?”
2. “Snacks”

What it normally means: Tasty treats to hold you over between meals.
Now it means: You will be able to survive off whatever ramen, alcohol, pizza, and Kraft Easy Mac you can get your hands on.
3. “Wine”
What it normally means: A classy drink you have with a nice meal.
Now it means: When you take it out of the box, you better slap the bag.
4. “Broke”

What it normally means: You don’t have any money.
Now it means: You still have money for booze and pizza, but that’s about it.
5. “Furniture”
What it normally means: Movable objects used for both functional and decorative purposes within a room.
Now it means: The futon on which you watch Netflix and have sex.
6. “Party”

What it normally means: A gathering of people in a social context.
Now it means: A mix of cheap alcohol, crazy outfits, horny twentysomethings, Solo cups, and a large dose of regret.
7. “Beer”
What it normally means: A fermented alcoholic beverage.
Now it means: Hamms, PBR, Keystone, Natty, and Coors. Any questions?
8. “Textbook”

What it normally means: A book you need for your class.
Now it means: It costs $150 dollars, the professor probably wrote it, and you’ll need about one page in the entire damn thing.
9. “Laundry”

What it normally means: The physical act of washing your clothes. If you’re lucky, someone else does it for you.
Now it means: Doing laundry in college is sort of like the Olympics: It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it is a BIG deal.
10. “English”

What it normally means: A language spoken by billions of people worldwide.
Now it means: A major for smart people who don’t know what they want to do in life. Also, they do not screw around when it comes to grammar.
11. “Bookstore”

What it normally means: A place you purchase books.
Now it means: A black hole that will suck away all your money for school merchandise, apparel, and supplies.
12. “Library”

What it normally means: A place where you check out books FOR FREE.
Now it means: A place you will find yourself twice a semester — midterms and finals — and won’t spend a minute more inside than you need to.
13. “Class”

What it normally means: Back in the day, these were individual units of educational time in high school.
Now it means: You’ll go to some, you’ll skip others, and if you’re smart, you won’t schedule any before 11 a.m. or on Fridays.
14. “Popular”

What it normally means: Back in high school, the good-looking, outgoing people owned the social scene.
Now it means: Cool people are actually recognized for being cool people.
15. “Paper”

What it normally means: In high school, they were about five pages long tops and followed the five paragraph structure.
Now it means: About 20 pages long, and you should have probably started it a tadearlier than the night before.
16. “Bar”

What it normally means: A place where adults over the age of 21 gather for a drink or two.
Now it means: Where everyone goes to get hammered and spill cheap beer on one another.
17. “Sleep”

What it normally means: Hitting the hay at the end of the day.
Now it means: School, drinking, friends, and getting laid all take priority over getting some shut-eye.
18. “Homework”

What it normally means: You hated when your teacher gave it to you in high school, but you did it anyway because it was graded.
Now it means: You’ll find out about two weeks into freshman year that you never, ever need to do the reading.
19. “Résumé”

What it normally means: An organized list of your accomplishments, skills, and activities required in job applications.
Now it means: One page of single-spaced, 12-point font, utter bullshit that is your entry ticket to the real world.
20. “Smart”

What it normally means: Being intelligent; knowing your shit.
Now it means: College is a fricking galaxy of bright, shining stars. Sorry, you aren’t hot shit anymore.
21. “Sisters/brothers”

What it normally means: Siblings.
Now it means: If your school has Greek life, they may not be family by blood, but they’re your family nonetheless.
22. “Alcohol”

What it normally means: You crack open a beer or pour a glass of wine when you need to celebrate or let loose a little.
Now it means: The fuel for every good and bad decision you make from Thursday through Saturday.
23. “Exam”

What it normally means: A method by which your teachers could assess your knowledge in a subject area every few weeks in high school.
Now it means: Now, half your semester grade comes from the midterm, and the other half from the final.
24. “Sports”

What it normally means: Athletic competition you participate in or watch.
Now it means: When school pride is on the line, it’s the one thing the entire campus can agree upon.
25. “College”

What it normally means: Four years of education with a little socializing built in.
Now it means: Where you become who you are, build lifelong friendships, and occasionally learn a little — with some strong drinks added in for good measure.
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