23 Kids Trying To Be Grownups And Failing Hilariously. I Can’t Stop Laughing At #7.
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1. When this little girl cut her own hair

2. When these two tried to draw a relaxing bubble bath

3. When this little kid decided to wait til he was 16 before he drove again

4. When this aspiring tattoo artist got a little too creative

5. When this pickup artist tried to be smooth

6. When this little guy tried to use the big boy toilet

7. When Ronni—I mean, Ronnie’s mom— wrote a note for school

8. When this chef whipped up a culinary masterpiece

9. When this little boy tried pouring the juice just like mom

10. When this little girl wanted to read all by herself

11. When this future farmer learned the power of a good tractor

12. When this wannabe momma found the perfect baby for her stroller

13. When this fashionista put on some makeup

14. When this kid brushed his teeth and also his face

15. When this kitchen assistant found himself in a pickle

16. When this aspiring photographer was never allowed near a camera again

17. When this kid’s NBA dreams came crashing down

18. When this little tyke tried to help with the groceries

19. When it was determined that this kid should never be a firefighter

20. When this boy got his first real experience with yardwork

21. When this baby tried to feed himself

22. When this toddler dreamt big (and heavy)

23. When this girl tried to be gangsta and ended up just saying “I love you”

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