22 Ravishingly Beautiful Places That Are Hard To Believe Actually Exist
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1. Wisteria Flower Tunnel – Kawachi Fuji Garden Japan

Located in the city of Kitakyushu, Japan, Kawachi Fuji Garden is home to an incredible 150 Wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different species. The garden’s main attraction is the Wisteria tunnel that allows visitors to walk down an enchanting tunnel exploding with colour. Located about 6 hours (according to Google Maps) from Tokyo, the best time to visit is from late April to mid May, typically peaking at the end of April. The garden is private so there is an entry fee.
2. Salar de Uyuni – Bolivia (World’s Largest Natural Mirrors)

3,800 sq miles of salt flat spread out across Bolivia’s remote southwest. Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flat in the world, an endless sheet of hexagonal tiles (created by the crystalline nature of the salt), dotted with pyramids of salt. During the wet season, the salt desert is transformed into a enormous salt lake, albeit one that is only six to twenty inches deep, traversable by both boat and truck. During this time, the shallow salt lake perfectly mirrors the sky, creating bizarre illusions of infinity. In the middle of this seemingly infinite salty lake is a hotel built entirely out of—naturally—salt.
3. Tulip Fields – Netherlands

The Netherlands is world-famous for their tulip fields. Every year from March to May the Dutch countryside transforms into a sea of color. According to Nat Geo, the first tulip was planted in Dutch soil in 1593, and it has become a national symbol ever since.
4. Street in Bonn, Germany

After cold days of winter, the earth comes back to life. Finally spring comes to Germany and flowers begin to bloom. These trees are the famous cherry blossoms which are in fact the most beautiful sight here in the streets of Bonn. It’s hard to believe that places like this exist in real-life, but they do. There are only two to three weeks when these trees are at this beautiful stage of blossoming and you can enjoy walking on this stunning street.
5. The Tunnel of Love – Ukraine

This gorgeous long, leafy tunnel looks like a green dream or a scene from a film – but it can actually be found deep in the forests of Ukraine. We love seeing natural architecture here at Inhabitat, and the leafy green Kleven train tunnel is a beautiful example of what happens when nature is allowed to grow freely around manmade infrastructure. The tunnel was made over many years as the passing train molded the trees’ lines. The train turned a luscious piece of woodland into a unique passageway as it traveled back and forth 3 times a day over several years. In addition to serving as a train route, the tunnel is used by lovers to make a wish – it is said that if they are sincere in their love, their wishes will come true.
6. Mendenhall Ice Caves – Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier, a 12-mile-long mass of ice in Juneau, Alaska, is a popular tourist attraction. Few visitors, however, see the the glacier from its most spectacular vantage point: inside it. Rising global temperatures have caused the glacier to start melting—it has receded by about two miles since 1958. Water has carved caves into the interior, creating surreal, turquoise-toned worlds whose shapes are ever changing. A trip to the Mendenhall ice caves requires an arduous journey—it involves a kayak ride or long hike, an ice climb, and faith that the melting caverns won’t collapse in on you—but the incredible landscapes are a once-in-a-lifetime sight.
7. Red Beach – Panjin, China

The beach gets its name from its appearance, which is caused by a type of sea weed that flourishes in the saline-alkali soil. The weed that start growing during April or May remains green during the summer. In autumn, this weed turns flaming red, and the beach looks as if it was covered by an infinite red carpet that creates a rare red sea landscape. Most of the Red Beach is a nature reserve and closed to the public. Only a small, remote, section is open for tourists.
8. Bamboo Forest – Japan

Chlorophyll shadows and the soft whispering sway of bamboo trunks characterize the Arashiyama bamboo forest outside Kyoto, Japan. This beautiful grove is both peaceful and naturally aesthetic. Walking trails crisscross this bamboo forest, affording an excellent and picturesque view of the gigantic green poles and leafy canopy.
9. Naica Mine (Cave of Crystals) – Mexico

The Naica Mine of the Mexican state of Chihuahua is a working mine that is best known for its extraordinary selenite crystals. The Crystal Cave of Giants was accidentally discovered in 2000 by miners working in the silver and lead mine at Naica, Mexico. It lies almost 300 m (900 ft) below the surface of the Earth and it contains the largest crystals known in the world, by far. The largest crystals are over 11 m long (36 ft) and weigh 55 tons. It is still incredibly hot in the cave due its proximity to a magma chamber, deep underground. The air temperature is 50C with a relative humidity of over 90%, making the air feel like an unbearable 105C (228F) Entering the cave without special protective suits can be fatal in 15 minutes.
10. Canola Flower Fields – China

In early spring you can witness an amazing “Golden Sea” of canola flowers. The canola flower fields in China are one of the world’s beautiful sight’s in small Luoping (Yunnan, China). Vast farmlands get covered in golden, yellow rapeseed flowers stretching as far as the eyes can see, all the way to the horizon. The best time to visit Luoping for this visual fiesta is February through March, by June the show is over.
11. Lake Hillier – Australia

Lake Hillier is a pink-colored lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia. From above the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink. It is such a significant distinguishing feature of the archipelago that air passengers often crane their necks to take a glimpse of it. The cause for the color is still not clear, but speculations indicate that the color is due to a dye released by the bacteria that reside in it
12. Lake Retba – Senegal

Like the Hillier lake, the Retba lake is also a characteristic pink color and is so named for its pink waters, caused by Dunaliella salina algae in the water that produce a red pigment that uses sunlight to create more energy, turning the waters pink. The color is particularly visible during the dry season. The lake is also known for its high salt content, which, like that of the Dead Sea, allows people to float easily.
13. Hitachi Seaside Park – Japan

With an area of about 190 ha, Hitachi seaside park features blooming flowers around the year. The park has become known for its baby blue-eyes flowers, with the blooming of 4.5 million of the translucent-petaled blue flowers in the spring drawing tourists. In addition to the annual “Nemophila Harmony”, the park features a million daffodils, 170 varieties of tulips, and many other flowers. The park includes cycling trails and a small amusement park with a Ferris wheel.
14. Fields of Tea – China

The coastal province of Zhejiang is famed for their gorgeous green tea fields spread across yards. These fields create an almost scenaric view for passerbys.
15. Lavender Fields – UK and France

Close your eyes and breathe deep – your senses tell you you are in Provence ! The Provence of lavender fields in bloom ! The heady scent of lavender is strongest in the heart of the summer, from mid-June to early August is when the fine stalks wave in the wind, blue prairies stretched as far as the eye can see. The scene is so beautiful and soothing that one can experience true heaven here.
16. Black Forest – Germany

This eerily beautiful place is the Black Forest which gets its name from its dark, slightly sinister canopy of evergreens: this is where Hansel and Gretel encountered the wicked witch. The vast expanse of hills, valleys, rivers and forests stretch from the swish spa town of Baden-Baden to the Swiss border, and from the Rhine almost to Lake Constance.
17. Hang Son Doong – Vietnam

It is the largest cave in the world – over 5.5 miles long, has a jungle and river, and could fit a 40-story skyscraper within its walls. But nobody knew any of that until four years ago. A local man discovered the cave entrance in 1991, but British cavers were the first to explore it in 2009. Now, tour company Oxalis is running trial tours of the cave and accepting sign-ups for real six-day tours to take place next year. The man who discovered Son Doong didn’t go in because the entrance he found had too steep a drop.
18. Tianzi Mountains – China

The Tianzi Mountains located, in China, are made of thousands of art like peaks. The highest peak of the mountains is 1262.5 m above sea level. Around it you can find rolling ridges and peaks and high picturesque rocks. On the top of the mountains, one can have a bird‘s eye view of numberless inter winding hills and deep valleys of the Wulingyuan area as well as downpouring waterfalls and lofty old pines in drifting mists and clouds.
19. Mount Roraima – South America

It is one of the oldest mountain formations on Earth. It might look like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie, but this natural wonder is completely real, and fully awe-inspiring. Mount Roraima, bordered by three different countries (Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana) whose border lines intersect on the massive shelf, is surrounded on all four sides by sheer 400-meter high cliffs.
20. Shibazakura Flowers – Takinoue Park, Japan

Home to nearly 1 million pink shibazakura flowers, spread over an area of 100,000 square meters, on a hillside overlooking the picturesqe town of Takinoue, the Higashimokoto Flower Park is a must-see attraction for flower lovers. Every year, from early May to mid June, the hill is covered with a pink carpet of Moss Phlox flowers, commonly known as shibazakura. Winding paths lead visitors from the base of the hill to the very top where they are treated to a magnificent view of the surrounding sea of flowers.
21. Zhangye Danxia Landform – China

Zhangye Danxia Landform in China is just one of those places that are hard to believe really exist. Located in Gansu province, a naturally formed landscape astonishes its visitors with the burst of colors – its streaks of yellow, orange and red to emerald, green and blue make it hard to believe it’s all real. The vast area of intensely colored valleys, waterfalls and natural pillars looks surreal in the pictures, reminding more of a impressionistic painting than a photograph. Formed from red-colored sandstones and conglomerates, Danxia landform is a unique example of petrographic geomorphology.
22. Antelope Canyon – USA

Approximately 15 minutes east of Page, Arizona is the entrance to one of the most exciting slot canyons in the Southwest United States. Over the years, Lower Antelope Canyon has become a favorite gathering place for photographers, tourists, and visitors from around the world. This incredible canyon has been created over many thousands of years by the relentless forces of water and wind, slowly carving and sculpting the sandstone into forms, textures, and shapes which we observe today. The views in Lower Antelope Canyon change constantly as the sun moves across the sky, filtering lights softly across the stone walls. These ever-moving sun angles bounce light back and forth across the narrow canyon’s walls, creating a dazzling display of color, light, and shadow.
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