21 Signs That Need To Be Fixed Soon. But Not Before You See Them – LOL!

Bag of mice? No thanks.

1) Not the friendliest playground I’ve seen

2) A bagel of pain? I’ll pass.

3) Drowning is not a joking matter.

4) What’s for lunch?

5) How does that work, exactly?

6) Pregnancy: May Contain Wifi

7) Orders are orders

8) No Vandalism, unless you vandalize the sign

9) Is the firewood edible?

10) What do I do here?

11) Alcohol should not be on fire, flaming, or smoking

12) Warning: food may contain mice

13) Whatever you do, don’t!

14) It’s going to be hard to ring that bell..

15) Don’t think I’ll be attending

16) Beware of tree?

17) But where are the citizens? This one’s terrible.

18) What breed of dog is it?

19) Ummm…

20) Uh oh. Better than a blue screen I guess.

21) If you say so!

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