16 Manly Drinks To Enjoy During The Super Bowl
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Vesper Martini 3oz (90ml) Gin 1oz (30ml) Vodka .5oz (15ml) Lillet Blanc Orange or Lemon peel twist -Pour the Gin, Vodka and Lillet into a chilled cocktail shaker. Shake. -Strain into a chilled martini glass -Garnish with a classy Lemon or Orange twist -007 that shit

Liquid Cocaine 1 part Goldschlager 1 part Bacardi 151 1 part Jagermeister -Pour all into a shot glass and drink it down

Brain Hemorrhage 1oz (30 ml) Peach Schnapps 3/4oz (20ml) Bailey’s Irish Cream Grenadine -Pour the Peach Schnapps into a shot glass -Slowly pour the Bailey’s into the middle -Gently add a few drops of Grenadine **For an Alien Brain Hemorrhage, add a few drops of Blue Curacao along with the Grenadine to create an eerie blue, purple and red fluid to go along with your curdled brains.

Irish Car Bomb 3/4 pint Guinness stout 1/2 shot Bailey’s Irish cream 1/2 shot Jameson Irish whiskey -Pour the Guiness into a large glass -Pour the Bailey’s and Jameson into a shot glass, equal parts -Drop the shot glass into the Guiness, and drink immediately. *Don’t order this at an Irish pub. Just don’t.

Cement Mixer 3/4oz (20ml) Bailey’s Irish Cream 3/4oz (20ml) Lime juice -Pour Bailey’s into a shot glass -Pour lime juice, and watch it curdle *For some extra points, have someone pour both into your mouth and proceed to shake your head vigorously until they are curdled.
Prairie Fire 1 Shot Tequila Tabasco Sauce -Pour a shot of Tequila -Splash in some Tabasco sauce (a few drops or a few dashes, it all depends on how manly you are)
The Godfather 1.5oz (45ml) Scotch .5oz (15ml) Amaretto -Pour into an old fashioned glass filled with ice

Boilermaker Your choice of Beer (Don’t use cheap beer. Every time you drink cheap beer, God kills a kitten.) Your choice of Whiskey -Pour beer into a large mug -Pour Whiskey into a shot glass -Drop the shot glass into the beer, and drink.
Long Island Iced Tea .5oz (15ml) vodka .5oz (15ml) tequila .5oz (15ml) rum .5oz (15ml) gin .5oz (15ml) triple sec 1oz (30ml) sour mix 1 splash Coca-Cola -Pour all ingredients into a shaker and give one brisk shake -Strain into a tall glass filled with ice -Garnish with a lemon

Jack and Coke 2oz (60 ml) Jack Daniel’s (Or use Rum to make a Rum and Coke) 10oz (300ml) Coca-Cola Lime wedge -Put ice into glass -Pour the Jack, then top off with the Cola -Garnish with a lime wedge. Or don’t. While you’re at it, get rid of that straw, you Nancy.

White Russian 1.5oz (45ml) vodka 3/4oz (20ml) Kahlua coffee liqueur 3/4oz (20ml) cream -Pour the vodka and Kahlua into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Stir. -Top with cream
The Four Horsemen 3/4oz (20ml) Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila 3/4oz (20ml) Jagermeister 3/4oz (20ml) Rumple Minze 3/4oz (20ml) Bacardi 151 Rum -Pour all four into a shot glass -Drink, and hold on.

Whiskey Sour 1oz (30 ml) Whiskey .5oz (15 ml) Sour mix 1 handful ice Lemon slice* Maraschino Cherry* -Place ice in an old fashioned glass -Combine the Whiskey and Sour mix in a shaker (If you don’t have sour mix, you can mix 1 1/2 cups (350ml) each of Sugar and water and 1 cup (230ml) of Lemon juice and have a good amount of Sour mix to use on future recipes!) -Pour into iced glass *If you’re a manly man, you can ignore these silly garnishes. **If you’re an even manlier man, leave out the Sour Mix and just drink your Whiskey straight. Put some hair on your chest, boy!
On The Rocks Any fine liquor Ice -Pour that shit and drink it like a man. Be careful to not spill it on your gorious beard.
Neat Any fine liquor Fancy glass -Ice is for ladymen. Pour that shit and drink it like the classy manly man that you are
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