11 Reasons Why Every Kid Needs To Grow Up With A Dog
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1. Babies who live with dogs get sick less.

According to a study done at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland, babies who lived with dogs during the first year of their life were one third more likely to avoid respiratory illness and infection than their non-dog-owning counterparts. Many consider this to be a result of dogs causing more exposure to germs, increasing the babies’ immune systems to prevent sickness.
2. Pets help young readers gain confidence.

Children who are learning to read often get self-conscious reading aloud around other people, but they don’t have that same anxiety around animals. Reading to a dog is the perfect way for kids to gain confidence.
3. Kids with dogs have less allergies and asthma.

According to a study published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy, scientists have found that kids who grow up around dogs are 50% less likely to develop allergies and asthma than those who grow up without a dog.
4. Kids with dogs get more exercise.

5. Dogs help reduce stress in kids with Autism.

According to a study conducted by University of Montréal, the stress hormones of a child with an autism spectrum disorder are dramatically reduced when living with a trained service dog. A significant drop in behavioral problems was reported as well.
6. Family pets lead to sibling bonding.

A dog in the family can help brothers and sisters grow closer through their common love of their pet. From sharing responsibilities for care, to just playing with the dog in the backyard, siblings can bond.
7. Kids who are allergic to dogs and live with them are less likely to have eczema.

According to a University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine study, children who live with a dog when they are young, and also have an allergy to dogs, are four times less likely to have eczema.
8. Dogs can help kids learn important social skills.

Growing up with a dog has been proven to help kids learn social skills, impulse control, and even improve their self esteem.
9. Kids grow up alongside a loving companion.

Dogs are always happy to see you when you get home, and their love is unconditional. They’re the ideal confidant and an ever-willing playmate. There’s no better friend for a child than a dog.
10. Kids who care for pets learn responsibility.

The daily commitment of caring for an animal is a great way to teach kids the importance of dependability and responsibility. To be a dog’s provider is an honor that requires a lot of patience and work.
11. Kids get even cuter.

There’s no denying that a child gets significantly cuter as soon as they’re playing or snuggling with a dog. It’s just a fact!
Well, what are you waiting for? Time to go adopt a dog!
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